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The SBSGS meets 10 times per year, on the third Thursday of each month except for July and August. Meetings start at 7:00 PM; the Library is open at 6:15 PM when we have in-person meetings.

In-person meetings are conducted in a hybrid format so members can also attend via Zoom if they wish. During the very cold months we hold meetings via Zoom only. We meet at #1 – 1730 Quebec Avenue in Saskatoon (this space is shared with the Saskatchewan Archaeological Society).

Meeting dates for 2024-25 will be:

Sep 19, 2024 (hybrid)
Oct 17 (hybrid)
Nov 21 (hybrid)
Dec 12 (Zoom) *changed to 2nd Thursday because of holiday season
Jan 16, 2025 (Zoom)
Feb 20 (Zoom)
Mar 20 (Zoom) *AGM plus Branch meeting
Apr 17 (hybrid)
May 15 (hybrid)
Jun 19 (hybrid)

The Library opens at 6:15 PM on hybrid meeting nights. Meetings begin at 7:00 PM and consist of: a program, discussion period and refreshment break. Depending on questions and discussion, meetings wrap up around 8:30 PM. Occasionally the meeting format varies for special events, such as an Open House and Genealogy Fair and workshops.

Program content varies, but may include presentations by guest speakers or members, discussion sessions for members to share experiences, or webinars. Tours of relevant sites such as museums may be organized as well.

Topics for programs generally focus on genealogical resources (e.g., Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan), skills development (e.g., use of DNA to remove brick walls), family history success stories, or anything else of interest to members.

The Branch also holds an Annual General Meeting in March each year, in accordance with the SBSGS Policies and Procedures (see the Board page).

PLEASE NOTE: Most Branch meeting presentations are recorded and posted on a private YouTube channel for those members who are unable to attend the meeting, or those who wish to watch the program again.

If anyone has an idea for a program topic or speaker, please contact Linda Suveges, Program and Education Coordinator at sbsgs.programs@sasktel.net.

Special Interest Chat Groups (members only)

The Branch also holds meetings on topics of specific interest to members. These small Chat Groups meet every 5-6 weeks via Zoom, at 7:00 PM.  All meetings in 2024-25 will held on Thursdays at 7:00 PM. 

FALL 2024 Schedule
British Isles:  Sep 26, Nov 7
Genetic Genealogy/DNA: Oct 10, Nov 28
Canada/USA: Oct 3, Nov 14 
General Discussion (any genealogy topic): Oct 24, Dec 5

For further information, please email info@genealogysaskatoon.ca or sbsgs.programs@sasktel.net.

Meeting Cancellations:

In the province of Saskatchewan, weather can be "interesting".  This means that in-person meetings may be cancelled or converted to Zoom-only, if bad weather occurs.

If a meeting has been cancelled or its format changed, a notice will be posted on the website's Home Page and on Facebook. Members will also receive an email message.  

Members Only Area

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Contact Us

We would like to hear from you!

Please send us your ideas for speakers, comments on our website, questions for our Board, or any other thoughts you may have that would help us improve our Branch.

We can be contacted either by "snail-mail" at:

Bay 1, 1730 Quebec Ave. 
Saskatoon SK   S7K 1V9

or, you can send us an email to info@genealogysaskatoon.ca.