• facebook genealogy saskatoon

We have an active and creative Boad of Directors.  Assisting them are many more members behind the scenes working hard to make our branch successful. If you would like to help us out, please let us know.

The 2024-25 SBSGS Board is as follows:

President: Jane Richardson

Vice-President: Holly Pitka

Treasurer: Peggy Mausch

Secretary: Linda Suveges


Christine Janzen

Brenda Montieth

Colleen Nordin

Mark Reineke

Kathy Sharman

Michelle Weimer



Cemetery: Jane Richardson

Fundraising: Kathy Sharman

Library:  Linda Suveges

Membership: Holly Pitka

Program & Education:  Linda Suveges

Public Relations: vacant
     Facebook (Business Page): Mark Reineke
     Facebook (Private Group): Susan Leitch, Cindy Paradis
     Webmaster: Linda Suveges

Refreshments: Peggy Mausch


Policies and Procedures of the Saskatoon Branch of SGS

To view the SBSGS Policies and Procedures Manual, click here.


Members Only Area

Remember Me

Contact Us

We would like to hear from you!

Please send us your ideas for speakers, comments on our website, questions for our Board, or any other thoughts you may have that would help us improve our Branch.

We can be contacted either by "snail-mail" at:

Bay 1, 1730 Quebec Ave. 
Saskatoon SK   S7K 1V9

or, you can send us an email to info@genealogysaskatoon.ca.